Green Neon Rasbora
The Green Kubotai Rasbora is a beautiful fish that adds a pop of bright neon green to any aquarium. It’s peaceful and friendly, which is why so many fishkeepers love it. When kept in a group, these little fish swim together in the upper part of the tank, creating a lively and colorful display that everyone can enjoy!
This fish is easy to recognize because of its shiny green color and tiny size, making it a favorite for small aquariums. If the water is clean and well-maintained, the Green Kubotai Rasbora is simple to care for and fits well in community tanks.
These fish feel happiest in tanks with plants and plenty of open space for swimming. They love being in groups, so it’s best to keep them with 8–10 of their friends and pair them with other small, gentle fish.
Green Kubotai Rasboras eat a mix of foods, including flakes, tiny pellets, and freeze-dried treats like bloodworms and tubifex. They’re easygoing and a great choice for beginners and experienced fishkeepers alike!