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Panda Cory

Panda Cory

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Panda Cory

  • The Panda Cory Catfish (Corydoras panda) is a lively, eye-catching schooling fish that thrives in community and planted aquariums.

  • Its soft pinkish-tan body is beautifully contrasted by bold black markings: a dorsal fin, an eye stripe, and a spot near its tail.

  • Peaceful and sociable, Panda Corys get along well with most nano aquarium species, including adult dwarf shrimp (though they may snack on shrimp fry).

  • As natural scavengers, they spend most of their time exploring the substrate for food.

    • A soft substrate like sand or smooth gravel is crucial to prevent damage to their sensitive barbels and underbellies.
    • Avoid coarse or sharp materials, which can harm these delicate fish.
  • Panda Corys are hardy and low-maintenance, readily eating a variety of dry and frozen foods.

  • They adapt well to typical tropical freshwater conditions, provided that regular tank maintenance and water quality standards are consistently upheld.